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Project |03


Project |03 Swipe Invaders

Swipe Invaders sweeps you back in time with a new take on the classic retro game. It's simple to play - just swipe across the turret and destroy the invaders before they  destroy you.


Ease yourself in with two timed levels. Then take on the Infinite level and feel the fight intensify - with lots of ways to be destroyed, you'll soon be fighting for survival.


Project |02


Project |02 Gull Dump

The game's objective is to fly the seagull and eat food without crashing into any obstacles. We all know what happens after you eat,eventually you have to go.  You tap the screen to dump the waste on the people below,  to get the highest score you must hit them on the head. As you would expect there are some crude toilet sound effects and irritating music to boot.

Project |01


Project |01 iBashghouls

A simple game loosely based on the fairground classic, ' Whack a Mole.' The game's objective is to tap ghouls before they disappear. The sooner you tap the ghouls, the higher your score. A free version with a limited set of levels and a paid version, the lowest price band available. The objective of this game was to see if I could learn Objective C and  the techniques required to develop IOS games.

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